About Us
Saturn Eye Records is an Asheville, North Carolina-based micro label newly entering orbit in January of 2022. The label is run by one permanently stoned individual and hails from a love of 'heavy' (and sometimes heady) music. There's only one mission: to immortalize our favorite music on to our favorite audio format - the vinyl record. Other dead formats like tape and CD are cool, too.
We love fuzz rock, we love doom, we love psychedelic rock, we love fuzzy-doomy-freaky-psych rock, and we love everything between and all the influences that have helped shape these massive movements. As a label, we don't discriminate against any gender, sexuality, or race, and we don't tolerate anyone else who does.
- Alex, your Commander In Kief
Follow us on Instagram @saturneyerecords for label updates.
Feel free to send any demos or questions/inquiries to info@saturneyerecords.com, or alternatively DM the label Instagram account found above. Remember - it's a one person operation and I flunked out of college, so it might take me a few days to type out a response.